Sorry, there is no magic pill

Oh how do I wish there was a magic pill that cured everything. Can you imagine what our world would look like? A magic feel for boundless energy would be a dream.

If you’re looking for a magic pill for boundless energy and everlasting health, look no further. There is none. Of course, there are some things that will support your energy, but nothing that will give you all the energy in the world to be active 20 hours per day and run off only 4 hours of sleep. Although we would all love that one!

For me, this is an important topic, because we live in an age of doing. The more we do, the more worthy we are, or the more purpose we have. We’ve come as far as feeling guilt if we’re not doing anything, and even if we try doing nothing, we are on our phones or binge-watching Netflix. So we are never really doing ‘nothing’. The result is chronic stress, feeling overwhelmed, increased chronic and mental health problems, more missed-work days, and just more unhappiness overall. We aren’t enjoying life the way we should.

There is an epidemic of fatigue, and the only thing that’s going to fix it is slowing down. Balancing out activity with rest. The hardest thing though, is that for many of us, slowing down is just not an option. Between work, kids and other responsibilities, there is no time to rest. We all need that magic energy pill, but since that doesn’t exist, we just push through. So what can we do?

There are supplements that help with energy such as B vitamins, L-tyrosine, ginseng, or rhodiola. Also, certain deficiencies like iron and vitamin B12 will cause major fatigue, and in these cases, they can feel like a magic pill! I take the supplements I need every day and feel better for it, but you can’t out-supplement a poor diet and lifestyle. Feeling fatigue is your body trying to tell you to slow down, and what we really need to do is listen.

Where do you find time to rest with a hectic schedule?

  • Ask for help, from a relative or friend, or hire someone to help you with chores such as cleaning your house.

  • Don’t feel bad about saying ‘no’. If there is something you don’t really want to do and don’t need to do, say ‘no’, and don’t feel bad about it.

  • Take your vacation time (did you know that more than 41 million vacation days are left unused by Canadians every year?)

  • Develop a mindfulness practice, both formal and informal.

  • Schedule time to rest. If you don’t schedule it, you’ll fill it up with something else.

What else can I do to increase my energy?

Using supplements is ok, and they do help. But if we’re using them as a crutch and not changing the reason we got so exhausted in the first place, the effect won’t last. It’s important to make bigger changes:

  • Get your sleep - 7 to 9 hours is ideal.

  • Eat well - get rid of sugar and refined carbs and make sure you’re getting enough protein.

  • Spend time outside every day.

  • Exercise - even if it’s just a walk. (No intense exercising if you’re exhausted).

  • Listen to your body, and respect your limits. In other words, don’t overdo it.

  • Be gentle with yourself. Re-visit what expectations you have of yourself.

And most importantly, make time to do what lights you up! There is nothing more energizing than spending time doing what makes you feel truly happy!