
Neurotransmitters and addictions

Neurotransmitters and addictions

Addictions are very prevalent in our society, and some of those addictions severely punished, while others are totally socially acceptable or even praised. An addiction can be to a substance, thing, or activity. This could be a drug, alcohol, nicotine, shopping, gambling, sex, work, food, control, adrenaline, etc.

What to eat to have good brain health and mental health

What to eat to have good brain health and mental health

Brain health and mental health is directly related to our diet. I am a strong advocate for mental health through nutrition as I’ve read the research, seen it in patients and experienced it myself. This is true for general health through nutrition, actually. Food gives us the building blocks to produce our much needed neurotransmitters, keep inflammation low and support stable blood sugar, which are all needed for good brain function and mental health.

A Love Affair With Coffee

A Love Affair With Coffee

I love coffee. Many of us love coffee. It's part of a daily ritual of starting the day and the calm before the rush of the day. To be completely honest, I could drink coffee all day, 3 or 4 cups of it, easy. I've spent lots of time living in Colombia and I love how they drink coffee after lunch and take a break in the afternoon to sit down and drink coffee. Despite this deep love for the drink, I stop myself from drinking too much and I periodically take long breaks from coffee. Should you be doing this too?